Monday, January 11, 2010

Stitcher's Garden Info

In September I began teaching a block of the month class using the Stitcher's Garden pattern from The Stitch Connection. This 85" by 93" quilt is filled with colorful flowers and uses different techniques each month. Students in the class are at all ability levels, from beginner to advanced. They are learning to use all the features on their wonderful Bernina machines - decorative stitches, specialized feet, and all the bells and whistles that make our Berninas the top-rated machines.

I’ll be posting my blocks here on my blog, and hopefully, students in the class will post their blocks too. It will be fun to see how the same block looks in the wide variety of fabrics that students in the class are using.

I’m beginning a new session of this class which will meet on the second Thursday evening each month, beginning January 11. Interested students can call Peace & Appliqué Quilt Shop, 217-498-6771, to sign up for the class. I’m hoping we’ll be able to start a third session in the spring.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Embroidery is Driving Me Mad

For Embroidery Club I stitched out the 12 blocks of the Yuletide Joy pattern, a really cute Christmas wallhanging. Since I wasn't real sure what I was doing, I used scrap fabrics for my blocks. They turned out so cute that I decided to purchase lots of Christmas fabric and re-do the blocks in those fabrics. I'd already practiced on the blocks and I thought this would be an easy weekend project. In fact, I thought I'd have the blocks stitched out by early this afternoon and then this evening I'd put the borders on and get the blocks all laid out. Ha. Maybe I should explain that what I mean by this afternoon and evening is SUNDAY, which at this point has given way to Monday and I'm frustrated and NOT done with the stitch-outs. I've done one block twice because I wasn't happy with the first one, and I have 2 more blocks that have major problems and will have to be stitched again. I have 9 of the 12 stitched out; not at all where I wanted to be at this point. In fact, where I want to be right now is in bed, so I guess I'll head there and confront my frustrations tomorrow.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Serger Class

I just got home from a beginning serger class. Thought I was going to be late, but instead was a half hour early. Then when I'm setting up my machine I discovered I'd forgotten my foot pedal and power cord. So after a quick trip home and back I did end up 20 minutes late. Darn.

Just one other person in the class - a high school sophomore who plans to become a designer. She obviously had spent a lot more time playing with her new serger than I had, because she was way ahead of me in everything we tried. Nevertheless, I did leave class feeling like I could do a few things and also knowing how to thread the serger. Right now I need to learn the terminology - the different types of stitching that can be done and when one would use a particular type of stitch. I have a vcr tape that came with the machine so I'll need to watch that soon. I'm anxious to try out a project with the serger but I'm not sure what it will be.

I'm thinking about doing some embroidery later this afternoon. Guess I'll think about that a while longer as I'm taking a nap. That class wore me out.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's About Time

I've had this blog on Blogspot but haven't yet posted anything. I guess it's about time that I started blogging and sharing my thoughts with the whole world! As you can tell from the title of my blog, I love everything about quilting - fabric, threads, sewing machines and all the other paraphernalia associated with quilting. Most of the quilts I've made have been pretty traditional, but I'm ready to branch out and try some art quilting and mixed media. I also love stamping and I'm anxious to see how I can combine stamping and quilting to create some original art.

Right now I'm co-teaching a block of the month class at Peace & Applique Quilt Shop in Rochester, IL. Our blocks are from the Stitcher's Garden pattern by Linda Howell of The Stitch Connection. We're starting block 3 and I hope to soon have pictures of the blocks up on this site. (I just need to find my camera. It's been lost since last April.)

I was really inspired today to get started on this blog when I ran across The Cutest Blog on the Block and saw all the ideas for perking up my blog page. So here goes...ENJOY!